Post 12: colour in the ordinary

December 6, 2023

I recently discovered the band Tors. They have a song called Colour In The Ordinary. It is the feeling of all the happy colors. The song is about finding the exceptional in the seemingly average or mundane things in life—it’s about recognizing the color that’s already there, and also intentionally coloring in the ordinary.

Everything feels better when you colour in the ordinary” Big facts, Tors.

Another note from today after talking with such a good and lifelong friend—don’t settle. Don’t start making compromises and exceptions from the get go. There will come a time when a compromise is asked for, or even warranted, but we are not in the business of compromising our standards to initially make ourselves or a situation more acceptable.

And one last note from today after running into a different friend. God is so good. The way that God uses people to touch others in the world is beautiful. It is the coolest thing when talking about a “God moment” with someone who understands exactly what you’re talking about.

I also realized today that I am so thankful I am able to recognize the difference between encouragement and enablement. There will be times in life when you have to walk away, whether it be from a person, situation, or both. Some people will support or even applaud your decision, while others will slander you with ridicule. Know your worth in Christ. Be confident in God’s good plan for you. Understand that leaving does not mean you are a bad person. It is okay to encourage someone through prayer without sticking around to enable them. It does not make you a selfish person to care for yourself.

whyiscchappy? The wonderful color in the ordinary.


Post 13: you’ll never know why, and that’s okay


Post 11: consequences