Post 3: Thanksgiving’s MVP

November 23, 2023

The shining star of the Thanksgiving table is undoubtedly the cranberry sauce. No, no, not the gelatinous mystery blob from a can. I’m talking about the OG cranberry sauce—the kind that consists of 3 ingredients (sugar, water, cranberries), is homemade, and makes everything taste better.

I debated getting all deep and talking about how we’re all just cranberries in the hot skillet of life—simmering like a ticking time bomb until we burst. I debated giving a full analysis of how this morning I received a text that made me feel like my healing effort’s had been for nothing; I felt like I was at square one again. I was scared. And I was sad. I was going to write about those deep-rooted emotions I need to sort through, and how after a few deep breaths, prayer, and intentional thinking, God grounded me back in reality—THANKFUL. I wanted to give those thoughts a mention, because this blog is about accountability and growth and transparency and honestly re-learning who I am and all that gross stuff. And the time will come to have an emotional breakdown writing day, but that is not today.

Today, I think I would rather just talk about what I’m thankful for.

The older I get, the more I realize just how much work goes into days like this. Big shoutout to my mom (and everyone) for always making Thanksgiving one for the books.

Side note: When people poop all over intentional holidays with, “ShOuLdN’t We Be ThAnKfUl EvErYdAy!?” Or when referring to Valentine’s Day (WHICH I LOVE) as a capitalist scheme and saying, “We ShOuLd MaKe OuR pArTnEr FeEl VaLuEd EvErYdAy!” I don’t get it. WHAT is so wrong with having a day dedicated to giving thanks or showing love? Doing those things every other 364 days and also having a dedicated day are not mutually exclusive—it’s not either/or, we can have both!

Anyways. Today I am incredibly thankful for my family, who support me through everything. I am so thankful for my friends (and will write much more about them) and their undying guidance. I’m thankful for good wine. Letting go. Laughter. Awkward conversations that help us grow. Homemade cookies. Rekindled friendships. The OG Christmas lights that are not LED. Funny movies. Cold weather (it makes me appreciate the warmth more). Hot cocoa and mini marshmallows. Seeing Santa Claus at the end of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. And NYC at Christmas time.

Most of all I am so thankful for Jesus. The sacrifice He made for us is absolutely mind-blowing, and I am so thankful to be filled with a gratitude that leaves me in awe. He simply makes everything in life so much brighter, and even in the bleakest of times, He makes it make sense.

Thank You, Lord, for Your sacrifice, love, and care for us. Thank You for sending Your Son to make a clear path to everlasting life with You. Amen.

whyiscchappy? This song: Never Walk Alone — Hope Darst


Post 4: choices


Post 2: blueberry pancakes