Post 7: truth
November 27, 2023
One of the most frustrating things is knowing someone believes something about you that is not true. All you want to do is scream the truth at them, tell them your story, and set the record straight for everyone. Unfortunately, even if you did that, they still might not believe you. People are going to believe what they choose to believe. If they want to utilize their ability to discern the truth (or not), that is not your decision to make.
I’ve thought a lot about this, and I’ve struggled a lot with this. I sometimes still struggle with this. But…when I really take a step back and think about it, what good does that do? All that’s saying is that I need someone else’s validation to move forward. Is validation nice to hear? Of course! Do I need it to move forward in life? Absolutely not.
Would the world crumble if I release myself from this self-serving rampage of vindication? Uh, nope. But what would happen for me? I would be set free. It’s all a choice (see Post 4). When we harbor icky thoughts, resentment, jealousy, anger, and the like, it only harms us. We need to stop harming ourselves (am I a self-sabotager!!?? Omg. Maybe. See Post 1).
I think surrendering this vendetta we have to save our reputation in the minds of others is a step to forgiveness, because it’s a step toward acceptance. It’s a step that says…I don’t know what people think about me, and that’s okay (see Post 1). Not only do I not know what they think about me, but it actually doesn’t even matter what they think about me/my decisions/etc.
Obviously I’m not saying to go and intentionally be a jerk because it doesn’t matter what people think about you. I’m just saying that in instances where making choices to move forward is difficult because you’re worried about what people think, or, if you feel stuck because of what people (may or may not) think…it doesn’t matter.
Side note, but important: It doesn’t matter what people say about us, because we know what God says about us. God says we are His/predestined for adoption through His Son (Ephesian 1:5), we have peace with God through Christ (Romans 5: 1), we are loved (God’s Love is poured out for us through the Spirit) (Romans 5:5), and we are healed through Christ’s sacrifice (Isaiah 53:5). And so much more.
whyiscchappy? Jesus enabling us to forgive. And HU bars. And the song Noel — Chris Tomlin & Lauren Daigle